Sunday, April 15, 2012

Fashion Show Success!

The fashion show was amazing!  Well back stage at least, it was very exciting and ever so cozy where all of us girls were getting ready.  I can't believe we pulled it off!  Hair and makeup was excellent, thank you Miss Anderson.  All of the models did superb, and I heard great reviews from audience members!
Thank you everyone!

 Starting left bottom:  Models:  Bekha Lovelend, Cheyene DeLayone, Catherine Jordan, Kelly Youngs, Melissa, Megan Meadows, Kyla Meadows, Sarah McBride, Rachel Newman, Kelly Ireland, Solae Davilla, Elana Williams, and Taylor Baird.
Center:  Designer Lindsey Johnson

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Alexis' Graduation Dress

My good friend Alexis recently asked me if I would be willing to assist her in making a rather complex graduation dress.  I of course excepted her request- how could I refuse such a challenge?!

The dress features hot pink glittery satin, with hot pink lace over the top.  The satin starts with a sweetheart neckline but the lace continues up.  The sleeves are also see through and made of the lace.  The back has a heart shaped cut out with the lace continuing over it.  The difficulty was the zipper, in the side of the dress starting in the armpit.  The heart was also tedious and carefully calculated.

These are unfinished photos of the darling dress.  This is what we do every day in after school textiles class!


Fashion Show prep!  My two lovely friends doing
a little pre-runway modeling, and hey playing dress up at lunch time is fun!  Thank you Hunter
and Jasmyn.  I am so excited for tomorrows art
cabaret, it will be the first time this many of my
fashions will be on display in one collective
location.  Thank you every one.

A Prom Complete

My Prom dress is finished!  I am so excited and thrilled for the big night next Saturday.  This photo of the back is deceiving it looks incredibly low, when in fact it isn't but the actual back is concealed by the drape.  The front is perfect, and I am so proud of how this dress turned out.

Fashion Show Tomorrow

Fashion show tomorrow!  To all my models I want to say thank you!  I hope you are all looking forward to this as much as I am.  To my amazing teacher and family,  thanks for being so supportive.